Saturday, March 24, 2012

Miles: 18 months

My little guy is not wanting to be so little anymore. He is growing up so fast. I am so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing little boy.

Miles is obsesed with airplanes. When ever he sees or hears one he shouts "onya, onya"

He knows numerous body parts. This is him showing me his teeth.

He loves to "Owwww" like a cat
and clap his hands and say "ahoo" (yahoo)

Miles loves to read. He knows the traditional animals but he LOVES the peacock, walrus(first animal word "wawa"), and zebra.

MIles loves to give hugs and kisses especially to mommy and his dogs.


Alyssa said...

oh my gosh, he is so adorable Kristina! He is getting so big. Those eyes are to die for! I love your bangs too.

Perry, Christi and Logan said...

Such cute pictures! He is so cute!