Sunday, September 2, 2012

Miles turns two!!

Our little man is getting so grown up. He is all boy I tell you. This kid is obsessed with anything that has wheels. He can hear a motorcycle miles away and spot airplanes that I can barley see, but every now and then will still put on  my high heels and necklaces. Shh!! :) Miles is talking so much and trying so hard to pronounce every word exact. He gets a little timid when we try and correct him. But he is to the point where he just says it over and over till he has it right in his head. The cutest right now is hearing his prayers. He kneels on his knees and will try so hard to say everything I am saying. What is so darling is he gets the tones perfect "danedoo for soie and tendy." I want to record him, but every time we try he notices it and doesn't do it naturally. He is interested in everybody's name and wants to say Hi or Bye to all of his family members and friends. In the morning i will let him lay in bed and talk. And when he is ready to get up he starts naming everybody's names that he knows in hope that someone will get him out of bed.

He got an owie the other day but didn't know he had an owie till Braid pointed it out. He pouted "owie owie banaid" and then forgot about it and ran around. Then later he decide he couldn't walk anymore. It was really silly. He loves to watch "two ha ha" (the count) and Barney. His favorite movies are Lorax, Ringo & Shrek.

He helped me make cookies the other day and had a blast eating the dough and the "chips" This kid will eat anything with the word chips or pops. His new finds for food is "pissa hmmmm..... pissa" and today we went to cold stone and had cotton candy ice cream with sprinkles. He thought that was a tasty treat. He is such a good little helper. He will do any task that I ask him really. He loves to sing "clean up" while he picks up his toys.

A couple weeks ago we went to the park to feed the ducks and got attacked by geese. Every time i ask MIles if he wants to feed the ducks he  says, "no.....doose"Gosh there are so many other fun things that he says and does I hate not being able to remember it all.

I am sad my little Miles is getting so grown up but it is such a fun stage in his life. Brady and I are so lucky to be parents to such a great kid. We love you so very much.

Happy Birthday Baby.

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